A Journey of Courage and Resilience

Nyagai Jal’s story is one of courage and resilience. She was a South Sudanese woman married to a man with multiple wives. After he abandoned her and their five children, she had no choice but to flee her war-torn homeland. She found refuge at the Rhino Refugee Settlement in Uganda, home to over 200,000 refugees. Although the settlement offers a semblance of stability, the realities of life in the settlement are harsh. With no electricity and no running water, daily life presents significant challenges.


Nyagai was ready to begin her new life in Uganda when her alcoholic brother left her with his 8 children and 2 stepchildren. She is now responsible for raising 15 kids. 

It was important for Nyagai to find a job in a place where there are so few. She was hired to be a teacher at New Life Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC). However, there was a big challenge: Nyagai could not read or write.

Due to her commitment to personal growth and passion for teaching the children, Nyagai remains after school each day where the other teachers are teaching her to read and write.

The New Life ECDC, supported by the Khayamandi Foundation is not just a place for early childhood education but a crucial support system for employment in the community. 

We invite you to join us in making a tangible difference. Your support can help enhance educational resources, provide essential services, and continue to empower individuals like Nyagai who are striving to build a better future despite overwhelming odds.

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A Journey of Courage and Resilience