More Happy Homes on The Horizon
South Africa is a land full of diversity, turbulence and untold depths. A land rich in resources and people, yet often heart-wrenchingly impoverished. The needs are ever increasing, but with Khayamandi’s presence and your generous help, we are hoping to diminish those needs — one day, one person and one dollar at a time. We are honored to be a source of inspiration and a resource for other missions in the communities as well.
You can check out the monthly newsletter from our partners in South Africa by clicking HERE.
Contributions made from the United States through the Khayamandi Foundation USA are tax-deductible. To respond to any needs noted in the newsletter, click the donate button at the top right and leave your request in the comments. Thank you for partnering with us!
Since our origin, here’s a little of how we have been able to slowly, humbly impact some of the people of South Africa:
Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa, is one of the most beautiful places on earth, but like much of South Africa, it is a paradox. The beauty of the landscape is contrasted with disease and poverty which leaves so many children living as orphans. In conjunction with a local agency, called Home for Home, Khayamandi has stepped in to help support and maintain foster homes for these little ones. During trips to Cape Town, the needed upkeep and maintenance is performed to keep these homes in a safe, working order, as well as working with the “house” mothers and children.
The work the Khayamandi Foundation is doing in Knysna, South Africa, is done through partnerships with local Knysna organizations. Through these partnerships, orphan care is supported — which includes an educational foundation as well as a sports outreach program. Khayamandi has helped to provide a soup kitchen, a skills development center and emergency shelter within the impoverished townships surrounding Knysna. Khayamandi has provided funding and construction support for numerous building projects in Knysna, as well as funding scholarships for higher education students.